采用先进的同轴分离技术??,以转子一端面为轴心可分离,打破传统密炼机的瓶颈,开合式密炼机有效的控制物料污染所造成的不必要经济损失。密练室开合的同时,转子悬在中间,清色换料方便,深圳研讨会金属粉末,工作人员可以清理到任何一个部位,无死角设计。工艺适应性广,体积小,结构紧凑,转子转速 0-47 转无级调速。准确平稳。
料、TPR 等各式化学原料、适用于各种原料的密炼、混炼。
1. 密炼室为“W"形,采用“M”形下加压盖,形成全封闭混炼空间。搅叶采用棱形螺旋无死角设计,深圳研讨会MIM,使物料剪切分散达到物性要求。 W-shaped mixing chamber and M-shaped hammer to form a fully enclosed mixing space.The stirring blade is designed with a prismatic helix no dead angle,研讨会, so the material can be sheared and dispersed to meet the requirements.
2. 与物料接触部分(密炼室/侧板/压锤/搅叶轴)采用优质高碳钢,经调质、高精度机加工,真空72小时深度氮化热处理后表面喷涂碳化钨,后做光洁度处理 耐磨,深圳研讨会喂料设备,防腐蚀,不易粘料,使用寿命长。 The contact part with material (mixing chamber/side plate/hammer/stirring blade shaft) is made of high quality high carbon teel, which is tempered and machined with high precision. After 72 hours of deep nitriding heat treatment in vacuum, the surface is sprayed with tungsten carbide,after finishing, it is wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, non-ticky and longer service life.
1. 物料接触部分材质为耐磨合金,且表面光滑,不会对陶瓷物料产生污染。All parts that contact the material are made of wear resistant alloy and the surface is smooth which keep material away from pollution.
2. 采用38CrMoALA合金钢氮化72小时处理,抛光表面喷涂硬质合金.The 38CrMoALA alloy steel was nitrided for 72 hours, and the hard alloy was sprayed on the surface.
3. 混炼好的成团料直接投入造粒机料斗无需人工粉碎,直接造粒。Put agglomerate mixed material into the hopper of granulator directly and the material will be pelletized without manual crush.
研讨会-深圳研讨会金属粉末-昶丰机械(优质商家)由东莞市昶丰机械科技有限公司提供。东莞市昶丰机械科技有限公司(www.cfinejx.com)是一家从事“密炼机,造粒机,开炼机”的公司。自成立以来,我们坚持以“诚信为本,稳健经营”的方针,勇于参与市场的良性竞争,使“昶丰,昶丰机械,昶丰科技”品牌拥有良好口碑。我们坚持“服务至上,用户至上”的原则,使昶丰机械在造粒机中赢得了众的客户的信任,树立了良好的企业形象。 特别说明:本信息的图片和资料仅供参考,欢迎联系我们索取准确的资料,谢谢!